Sometimes, warehouse personnel might find the Goods Received is not same as purchased or in the unacceptable condition or Customer return the product. In such scenario, there could have been any of the following possibilities:
1. Return and Refund
a) If your customer return your product and request for refund, go to the Delivery Order, and click "Return". Fill in the quantity returned and tick if to Refund with Credit Note. Creation of Credit Note is still manual in the Invoice (click 'Ask Credit Note"), but there are some Apps available to make the creation of the Credit Note automatically.
b) If you are returning products from your vendor and request for refund, go to the Receipt and click "Return". Fill in the quantity returned and tick if to Refund with Vendor Credit Note.
2. Return and Replace the products by the vendor
Reduce the "Done" quantity in line with the returned quantity, and the system will create a back order so that your warehouse personnel is aware of the incoming receipt.