This Odoo technical development blog is my way to contribute back to the Odoo Community, for all the selfless and great sharing by the community members.
If you have a wizard that allow the user to enter parameters, you may want to use this dynamic domain to do the ORM search, instead of having too many if-else statement.
Example of the following of how to add the search domain parameters, dynamically.
if self.balance:
domain = [('date_invoice', '>=', self.date_from),
('date_invoice', '<=', self.date_to),
('state', 'in', ['open'])]
if self.filter_debit == 'invoice':
domain.append(('type', '=', 'out_invoice'))
if self.filter_debit == 'credit':
invoices = self.env['account.invoice'].search(domain, order="date_invoice asc"):